Palas - Fidas® 100 氣溶膠粒徑譜儀
更新:2025-01-26 11:08 编号:13129472 发布IP: 浏览:23次- 发布企业
- 厦门良厦贸易有限公司商铺
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- Palas - Fidas® 100
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Palas -Fidas® 100氣溶膠粒徑譜儀
Fidas® 100monitors are specifically designed for workplace exposureassessments and indoor air quality measurements and providecontinuous and simultaneous measurements of PM1, PM2.5, respirable fractions(PM4), thoracicfractions (PM10),inhalable fractions (TSP), the particle number, and (upon request)the particle size distribution in 32 size classes per decade withinthe particle size range of 0.18 – 18 μm.*
The Fidas® 100uses the recognized measurement technology of optical lightscattering and is equipped with a white LED light source withhighly stable output and long lifetime. The system is also equippedwith a filter holder for the insertion of an absolute filter (47 or50 mm in diameter). This enables the user to perform on-sitegravimetric correlation or subsequent analysis of the compositionof the aerosol.
The Fidas® 100can be connected to an isokinetic sampling probe that measuresemissions in exhaust air ducts.
The volume flow is 5 L/min.
The Fidas® 100is additionally equipped with sensors for measuring environmentalconditions, such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, and relativehumidity.
Palas® offersremote maintenance and online data access for the device
(*) Other fractions can be implemented upon request. The size rangecan also be changed to 0.4 – 40 μm or 2 – 100 μm.
Particular Advantages
Continuous and simultaneous real-time measurement of multiple PMvalues
Additional information based on particle numberconcentration
Adjustable time resolution from > 1 s to 24 h
Light source: LED with high stability and long lifetime
Long service life
Low maintenance, possible to verify calibration on site
Intuitive and easy to operate
Reliable function
No radioactive material
No consumables
Reduces your operating expenses
成立日期 | 2018年03月19日 | ||
法定代表人 | 石进良 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 主营业务:显影液、漂洗液、光刻胶、聚酰亚胺、冰箱储存、化学试剂、国产试剂、半导体材料、电子专用材料、表面活性剂美国PTI粉尘,日本JIS粉尘德国DMT,KSL 美国AATCC,英国SDC,JAMESH 测试用品HANOVIA 灯管6824F446 UV灯 | ||
经营范围 | 五金产品批发;电气设备批发;计算机、软件及辅助设备批发;通讯及广播电视设备批发;非金属矿及制品批发(不含危险化学品和监控化学品);金属及金属矿批发(不含危险化学品和监控化学品);建材批发;化肥批发;其他化工产品批发(不含危险化学品和监控化学品);贸易代理;其他贸易经纪与代理;经营各类商品和技术的进出口(不另附进出口商品目录),但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外;纺织品、针织品及原料批发;服装批发;鞋帽批发;化妆品及卫生用品批发;厨房、卫生间用具及日用杂货批发;灯具、装饰物品批发;家用电器批发;汽车零配件零售;摩托车零配件零售;机动车燃料零售(不含成品油、车用燃气和其他危险化学品);家用视听设备零售;日用家电设备零售;计算机、软件及辅助设备零售;通信设备零售;其他电子产品零售;五金零售;灯具零售。 | ||
公司简介 | 主营业务:显影液、漂洗液、光刻胶、聚酰亚胺、冰箱储存、化学试剂、国产试剂、半导体材料、电子专用材料、锐材表面活性剂美国PTI粉尘,日本JIS粉尘,德国DMT粉尘,美国AATCC测试用,英国SDC,JAMESH,日本测试用品,理美国PTI公司杂质颗粒尺寸分析试验、检测设备及各种试验粉尘。代理德国DMT公司的符合IEC60312标准的试验粉尘。同时,公司还代理进口日本JIS标准试验粉尘。满足国内汽车零 ... |
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