CATPUMPS高兴地宣布我们的柱塞泵获得ATEX认证。ATEX由两个欧盟(EU)指令组成,这些指令由使用设备的潜在爆炸性气体的类型指定。Cat泵经过ATEX2认证的泵包括第2组,第2类,区域(G)1和2以及(D)21和22。CatPumps提供符合ATEX指令的以下机架尺寸的柱塞泵:3CP,3、5CP,5、7、8、15、18、25、28、35、38、60和68。符合该EU指令的泵带有“ ATEX 2”后缀。
Cat Pumps is a manufacturer committed to supplying the highestquality industrial triplex high pressure piston and plunger pumpsand related products available in the marketplace.
Cat Pumps is a leader of creative and innovative high pressurepump designs and custom designed pumping system that offer truevalue to the marketplace.
Cat Pumps fosters and rewards life-long learning, continuousimprovement and strong partnerships in business. We are dedicatedto providing exceptional customer service.
Cat Pumps have earned the reputation of being the longestlasting triplex piston and plunger pumps in the market. We maintaina sound business reputation for superior quality and exceptionalservice.